The Internal Resistance Files

Defeat Dread Fest

Vanquish dread and triumph over your most fearsome task

Jane Elliott PhD
2 min readApr 9, 2024


It’s vanquishing time.

When you’re dreading an action you have to take or thing you need to do, it’s like being at war with yourself. You’re afraid of something happening (the definition of dread) but also you have to make that thing happen. It’s like being afraid of fire and trying to get yourself to set the house alight.​

Is it any wonder that dread so often wins?​

This spring, though, you have a chance to change these results for good at the Defeat Dread Fest. We’ll vanquish dread where it lives: in the underlying beliefs your brain has about you, your skills, and whatever task it is that you’ve been avoiding.

You’ll learn concepts and tools specially designed to help smart people overcome dread when it comes to the stuff that matters most. And you’ll be guided through practicing with them on your actual Dreaded Task right on the call — which means no getting stuck later when you try to figure out how the hell to apply what you learned in your real life.​

Along the way, I’ll coach volunteers and there will be ample time for questions, tweaks and troubleshooting about what you’re discovering. All of which means, you’re going to get comfortable applying these tools as…



Jane Elliott PhD

Coach, Prof, Writer, Swear-er | I help high-achievers do the one thing they just can't do.